WA Collectors Group

The Australian Arms, Militaria & Munitions Historical Society is a collective group under provisions of the Weapons Act (Qld.) and Explosives Act (Qld.). Interstate and international members are also welcome. One of our aims is to avoid the political agenda apparent in some groups today.
The AAM&MHS is highly supportive of Arms and Collectables Fairs in Queensland as well the other states, some of our principals are involved in such promotions and events. In the last few years covid has had its impact - the 2022 dates now all being set in place.
Our principles are designed around the preservation, collection and education in firearms, ammunition and ordnance along with other arms that have been used throughout history.
Genuine collectors must demonstrate a knowledge of their theme through study, restoration, education and presentation of said collections rather than being accumulating hoarders.
Membership dues are maintained at a minimum with life memberships available for foundation entities and those individuals who are prime contributors to our cause. Funds raised are retained by the society. Our expenditure will periodicaly uploaded as a pdf in the members area.
Various aspects of collecting are supported including ammunition, coins, jewelry, medals and militaria as well as general antiques and collectables. More advisors and experts continue to join us because of the on-line presence, our numbers already include prominent collectors, mentors and authorities in Queensland. We also welcome members of other collector groups to join us but retain other memberships for a broader perspective. Our interests also include reproductions in all categories which are often more easy to obtain for newcomers, especially those with financial limitations. As of November 2020 the society is an approved collectors association for Ammunition under the explosives act.